Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Faith of a Child...

I was going to post about this (sometimes) sweet little boy last week, but forgot until reading a friends blog reminded me. Anyway, Jace is so curious and asks me questions ALL DAY LONG, literally! He wants to know where everything came from, how it was made, why it was made, etc. Anyone who's ever watched him (my dad, especially) will tell you that Jace can talk for several hours at a time and not come up for air! He follows my dad around like a puppy dog and wants to be a part of everything he does! Anyway, we talk a lot about Heavenly Father and Jesus, because they happen to be the answers to a lot of his questions. He knows that they created everything and that if we want or need something, we can ask in prayer. Well, Jace went outside the other day to play with (or watch) the pigeons. He came back inside after just a few minutes, sobbing. I asked him what was wrong and he told me one of the pigeons was on the ground, dead. He then said "I said a prayer and asked Jesus to made him come back alive and he didn't!". What's a mom to do?! Because we just had Easter, he knows about the resurrection and that we will all "come back alive" someday so I just stressed to him the "someday" part. Animals will be resurrected, too, won't they? Anyway, Jace was upset all day long and since then we have discussed death often. I had an uncle pass away last year that Jace knew quite well and he often asks me what uncle Greg is doing and when he'll come back alive like Jesus. He's asked how he died and I told him because he was sick. Well, now Jace is paranoid of getting sick and is a total germ freak! Kids aren't supposed to be like that- they're full of germs! I must admit some of his questions give me a run for my money- he's a smart little thing! I can most of them, but when he says things like "how can Jesus be everywhere?" and "how can Jesus know when I'm lying?", I've resorted to answers like "cause he's Jesus and he has special powers". Now Jace will say he can do things that he obviously can't do- like turn his ears up so he can hear better- and he'll say Jesus used his powers so he could do that. Funny kid!


Robby said...

That story about the bird dying is funny, but only because I had a similar experience when I was Jace's age. David Hawkins and I prayed and prayed over this bird that was dying and it died anyway. We were both bawling. It's funny to think about now!

Steph said...

Cute stories. It is hard to explain some things to kids. I am learning that one. Cute picture too, he is getting so big!

Unknown said...

what a cute kid. if we could all see things through the eyes of a child. what a smartie pants he is.