Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Good, Better, BEST!

This is a first for me because I'm actually NOT posting about my kids! I've been called to teach Relief Society, which is the first calling I've had since I was pregnant with Brylee, due to being put on bed-rest, and then all the complications she's had since birth. Anyway, something that would normally not phase me has me a bit nervous! My lesson is on Elder Oaks talk from the Oct. 2007 General Conference. It's a great talk- even better when studying from a "teaching" perspective than listening to it in addition to many other wonderful talks, all one after another. I have learned that many times I settle for just doing the "good" thing, rather than push myself to do the "best" thing. Not only that, but I tend to do things to the extreme (no surprise there!). If I'm reading a good book, it consumes me until I'm finished- in fact I'll read up until I fall asleep, which means I've most likely skipped reading my scriptures and saying my prayers. BAD! I love HGTV and watch home decorating shows WAY too much! OK- enough confessions, but you get my drift. All of these things are "good" in moderation, as long as they are done with whatever time is left after doing the "best" things that build our faith and bring us closer to the spirit- not the other way around. So on that note I will end and I welcome ANY suggestions as to what I can do with this lesson!


Unknown said...

Congrats on the new calling. That would have to be my most favorite calling i've ever had next to young women. You'll do such a great job!!

Sonja said...

Oh if I got to pick my callings it would be this one. It was my favorite too! I wish I could be there to hear your lesson. I absolutely LOVE the comments you make on my blog. You are so wise and so REAL. I just love you and sure wish we lived closer. Thanks for all your advice and observations. I think you're great!!! Good luck with the lesson.